Steel Nation President Appointed to DEP Citizens Advisory Council
Mark Caskey, President of Steel Nation, Inc. was recently appointed to the Department of Environmental Protection’s Citizens Advisory Council beginning in 2015. Caskey was nominated for the position by Pennsylvania State Representative Brandon P. Neuman (D-Washington County) for his leadership and involvement in the oil and gas industry. Caskey was then appointed by the Speaker, Samuel H. Smith (R-66th District).
Steel Nation, Inc. began in the coal industry but has shifted most of its focus to the oil and gas industry in recent years, reflecting trends in the Southwestern PA energy market. Caskey has built his company with the philosophy that oil and gas compressor stations and coal prep plants should be cool, quiet and safe. Each of these requirements helps the functionality of the building, and creates a better environment for the residents nearby. His opinions on how to improve state regulations, shaped by his years of experience and expertise in the energy sector, will be a great asset to the Citizens Advisory Council.
The Citizen Advisory Council’s mission is to “ensure that all people of the Commonwealth enjoy the benefits included in Article 1, Section 27 of the Pennsylvania Constitution” which states “the people have a right to clean air, pure water, and to the preservation of the natural scenic, historic, and esthetic values of the environment.” The volunteer members of the CAC meet several times a year in Harrisburg to discuss the state’s environmental laws and make improvement recommendations to the DEP. The Council strives to represent all people of the Commonwealth and endeavors to bring a collective view of the public interest in environmental protection and natural resources, forged from the Council’s own diversity of personal experiences and perspectives.